prefacing the first post

I promise the first TidyTuesday post is coming soon. In terms of what to expect: each post will be a bit different based on the specific dataset for that week and the type of interesting questions one can ask about it. It’s a learning process, and I’m sure my writing will start out quite tame. The inherent purpose is to get better at asking questions, get more practice writing in an academic manner, and become more accustomed to statistics, machine learning, and econometrics tools.

The first post will be about the etymology of the names of states and some of their characteristics. Already, this seems to be a challenge in terms of thinking of a meaningful question to ask, but it may be nice to either start with a challenge or take a really simple angle.

Regardless, you will be able to find all the data and relevant files for the current post and future posts here: /pranay-gundam/TidyTuesday

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